The Catholic Women's League of Canada is a national organization rooted in gospel values calling its members to holiness.through service to the peoiple of God.
The CWL is the largest national women's organization in Canada.
Organized nationally June 17, 1920
Affiliated in 1921 with the International Union of Catholic Women's Leageus, now titiled World Union of Catholic Women's Organizations (WUCWO)
It has a worldwide federations holding membership in the conference of International Catholic Organizations (ICO).
It has consulatiative status with agencies of the United Nations.
It was granted federal incoroporation December 12, 1923
It was officially recognized by the Canadain conference of Catholiuc Bishops (CCCB) as a lay association of women, 1992
It was organized and pledged to serve with all citizes of goodwill.
The patroness of the league is the Blessed Virgin Mary under the title 'Our Lady of Good Counsel'.