The CWL Fall Regional Days are
September 28th in Tilbury
October 19th in Woodstock
October 26th in Strathroy.
Please see the poster on the bulletin board for details and contact your president/contact
regarding attendance. Cut off dates are:
September 20th for Tilbury, October 11th for Woodstock, October 18th for Strathroy.
St. Patrick’s Dublin CWL “Apple Pie
on Saturday, October 5th at the Dublin Church Hall from 9am-Noon.
Sign up sheets will be at the back of the church or text Pauline Skinner
at 519 949-4625
Meeting on Wednesday, October 9th at 7:00 pm at the church hall. We will begin with a short meeting to discuss items of interest. A friendly social will follow and refreshments will be provided. For more
information, please contact Ingrid Hanrath ( or Mary Kathryn Simmons (
Our regular monthly meeting is the first Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm in the Kinkora Community Center. Refreshments provided. All ladies are welcome!!
Meetings are in the Vestry at the church at 7 pm on the 1st Tuesday of the month. Upcoming meetings on October 1, November 5 and December 3.
September meeting come and hear about the Provincial Convention.
December will be a potluck.
The CWL is still collecting feminine hygiene products to donate to the Food Bank and the library. There is a food bank bucket at the church entrance for your donations.
To: The Faithful of the Diocese of London Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I pray that you and your families are safe and healthy during these challenging times. Following Premier Ford’s announcement earlier today, I am happy to inform you that our Diocese is now beginning the process of reopening our churches. This is exciting news for us and all other faith communities in Ontario. The announcement, with the changes it makes to restrictions on gatherings, recognizes the importance of places of worship. We are grateful to Premier Ford and Minister McNaughton, the Minister designated to lead the coordination with faith communities during the pandemic.
A MESSAGE FROM BISHOP FABBRO At the weekly teleconference with the Episcopal Council, we discussed the extension of the COVID-19 lockdown. I direct the following be communicated to all people of the Diocese:
COVID-19 UPDATE FROM BISHOP FABBRO I convened the Episcopal Council and the following represents a consensus of the Council, and it is my intention that these new directives become effective immediately:
With our situation changing on a daily – and sometimes hourly – basis, I convened the Episcopal Council in a conference call to get a sense of how they, our pastoral teams, our employees, and our parishioners are faring in this difficult time. Click the link for the following directives to come into effect immediately.
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, The following directives, which include the temporary suspension of all public Masses in our diocese and restrictions on the celebration of the other sacraments, will be hard on all of us. The Eucharist and the sacraments are the very heart of our Catholic faith. After consulting with public health officials, however, we decided that it is our responsibility as citizens to work together with others in our communities to take measures to minimize the spread of COVID-19 and to care for those who are sick and most vulnerable as a result of this virus.